Join This Site

Who can join?

Any VITAL user internationally may join. You do not have to be a member to read anything on the site, but if you wish to comment or participate in any of the forums you must join up. Joining is free.

There are two steps.

Joining Wikidot

You must register for a general Wikidot account. It may take a while for you to receive your confirmation email, but be patient. Although the message says the general rule is about five minutes, it can take much longer. You must leave the registration window open. If you close it again then you'll need to ask for a new confirmation email.

Once you are a registered Wikidot user, you may join Vitalusers either by entering a request to the site administrator, or by asking an existing member for any invitation. All existing users have permission to invite new users. Use the log in options below to get access to Wikidot, then to join Vitalusers.

You need to have a account and be signed to apply for membership.

if you already have a account


it is worth it and is free

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